About WP4KU

Women Philanthropists for KU (WP4KU) is focused on engaging and educating women and the community about the University of Kansas. Our mission is to encourage women to support KU through their philanthropy and leadership, and to explore ways to address the interests of women donors through KU Endowment.

Who We Are

WP4KU was formed in 2004 by a group of visionary women and continues today with an advisory board composed of leaders of diverse ages, backgrounds, interests and geographic locations. An internal steering committee of KU Endowment staff members provides assistance to the advisory board. We host events designed to highlight important programs and initiatives to connect women with areas of excellence at the University of Kansas.

KU Women for KU Women Fund

WP4KU is cultivating the next generation of women through the KU Women for KU Women Fund, which provides grants for deserving KU seniors and graduate students who have an immediate need in achieving their educational and professional goals. The fund is administered through The Emily Taylor Center for Women and Gender Equity. We invite you to join WP4KU with other women who are committed to learning about exciting and interesting areas of the University of Kansas. Your particular passion will help us fulfill our mission and strengthen opportunities for women and all of KU.

Your Contribution

By making a one-time contribution of $100 to the KU Women for KU Women Fund, you will make a difference for KU, as well as receive our communications and invitations to WP4KU events throughout the year.


LaunchKU is a crowdfunding initiative at KU Endowment that raises funds for special projects across the University. WP4KU will use LaunchKU throughout the year to raise funds for initiatives and special projects. Please contact us at wp4ku@kuendowment.org if you are interested in attending our events or learning more about Women Philanthropists for KU.

Women Philanthropists for KU FAQ

How is my gift spent?

We use 100% of your gift for the purpose you choose.

Is my gift tax deductible?

Yes. Gifts are deductible as charitable contributions. The IRS accepts your receipts from KU Endowment as documentation of deductibility.

What if I want to give offline?

You may send a check to KU Endowment. Checks should be made out to KU Endowment with LaunchKU and the name of the project you would like to give to in the memo line.

Please send checks to:

KU Endowment
C/O Annual Giving LaunchKU
PO BOX 928
Lawrence, KS 66044 


Credit card processing is provided by Converge. Your statement will reflect a charge from KU Endowment.

Please visit www.kuendowment.org for more information on donations made to the University of Kansas.