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Project Eagle: Preparing Children

Raised toward our $5,000 Goal
12 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on September 15, at 08:00 AM CDT
Project Owners

Project Eagle: Preparing Children

With your support, together we can reduce the impact of toxic stress and adverse childhood experiences on both immediate and long-term outcomes for child ages 0-5.  As an Early Head Start and Head Start, our care and education programs are at no cost to the participant children and families


Children who spend their time with parents and caregivers who love, nurture, and encourage them are better prepared to build important school readiness skills as they grow older.  These types of supportive environments help children develop skills during the critical early years of their lives that will help them achieve their dreams.  At Project Eagle, we envision a community where children’s futures are determined by their interests and dreams and not by their circumstances.

Our three focus areas:

  • Preparing Children – through high quality learning experiences
  • Engaging Families – through strengthening parenting capacity
  • Promoting Excellence – through targeted partnerships to impact the early education field

Mission & Impact

Located in Wyandotte County, Project Eagle serves nearly 1,000 children from families with the greatest need/level of risk as well as the greatest opportunity to benefit from services. At least 85% of the families we serve are at or below the federal poverty rate with the remaining 10-15% having some type of disability.

Located in Wyandotte County, Kansas, Project Eagle has provided early education and home visiting services to young children and pregnant women, along with their families, since 1989. Today, Project Eagle offers full-day, full-year center-based Early Head Start (EHS) and Head Start (HS) services in 14 classrooms at Educare Kansas City as part of the Educare Learning Network, in addition to home visiting programs. 

We are grateful to John Tiszka who will match the first $1,000 in gifts!

Choose a giving level



Create opportunities for families to bond monthly Family Fun Nights (or $12.50 a month).



Ensures healthy diapering care for one child each month (or $25 a month).



Provides children with access to updated books in every classroom for one year.



Equips a Head Start classroom with access to arts, crafts, toys, games, and puzzles for an entire year



Provides wrap-around after-school care for one child for one year (or $200 a month).