SciFlix: Like Date Night (with your brain!)

Amount Raised: $3,400 | # of Gifts: 48

SciFlix: Like Date Night (with your brain!)

SciFlix is an ongoing community outreach project that offers a film, trivia games, and an expert panel discussion related to scientific or academic themes inspired by the film. All this is FREE of charge to eliminate barriers to learning.
 Your generosity will fund the purchase of licenses to show the films and supply refreshments to guests. Funding in excess of the goal will be directed to improving our advertising reach and enable us to bring in panelists from outside of the immediate area.

Student and Educator Quotes:

"The SciFlix event is an opportunity to gather with the community, watch a science fiction movie and ask questions to a panel of science experts after the movie. This is an extra-curricular event that enhances any science curriculum.”
--Peggy Hinzman, STEM Instructor, Summit Technology Academy.

“I promote this event to my BioMedical Engineering students to attend for extension hours for the Academy. I really like the idea of the panel discussion after the movie, because my students need to see professionals interacting and discussing scientific concepts together in a respectful and insightful manner. My students get exposure to what it’s really like to be “fluent” in science and they get to see science professionals in action!”
--Kristin Ramshaw, Facilitator and teacher, BioMedical Engineering, Olathe Schools Academy at Olathe South High School

“I had never heard about the movie or the event they showed it at, but honestly I’m happy that I did go because it was a super good experience that I’ve never had before”
-9th-grade student-submitted after attending the Contagion film

“SciFlix has allowed my students to be exposed to movies they normally don’t watch. They see how movies can relate to real life and interact with professionals they usually don’t have access to.”
--Allia Coultas, PLTW Teacher, Blue Springs South High School

“The guest speakers were really interesting and informative. I liked how the panelists could answer actual scientific questions about the movie”.  
--Romee Kim, Senior (Olathe North HS)

“I liked how the movies were related to topics going on in the real world.”  
--Yiibari Nwidadah, Senior (Olathe North HS)

“I loved how Jack organized the panels to include scientists that could explain how the fictional topics relate to real-world scientific topics. My students always have fun attending. It sparks really interesting conversations about what science can and cannot do.”  
--L.B. Fogt, Teacher (Olathe North HS)

“SciFlix is a really fun opportunity to let loose and relax while learning. It is always entertaining and educational.”  
--Cinthia Rosales, Freshmen (Olathe North HS)

“SciFlix is a wonderful opportunity for students to understand the differences between pop culture and science and see and connect with real scientists.”
–Chris Elniff, Teacher (Olathe North HS)