© 2025 LaunchKU, All Rights Reserved
Contribute up to $250 or its equivalent in products or services and have your name featured on our website as a contributor.
Contribute up to $250 or its equivalent in products or services and have your name featured on our website as a contributor.
Contribute up to $250 or its equivalent in products or services and have your name featured on our website as a contributor.
For contributions of $250 or more, or an equivalent in products or services, your small company logo will be placed on the lower portion of the vehicle sidepod.
For contributions of $500 or more, or their equivalent in products or services, your medium company logo will adorn the middle of the vehicle sidepod.
For contributions of $1,000 or more, your medium company logo will shine on the upper part of the vehicle sidepod. You'll also receive one yearly social media post and potential access to our team for company PR events, depending on conditions.
For contributions of $5,000 or more, your medium company logo will grace either wing of the car. Enjoy two guaranteed yearly social media posts, potential access to our team for company PR events, and explore custom benefits upon request.