Let's Go for Joe!


Is my gift tax deductible?

KU Endowment is a 501(c)(3) organization and gifts are tax-deductible within the limitations of U.S. federal income tax laws. The IRS accepts the email receipt that you will receive upon completion of your gift as documentation of deductibility. If needed for your records, KU Endowment’s tax identification number is 48-0547734.

May I mail a donation?

Checks should be made payable to KU Endowment with LaunchKU and the name of the project you are supporting in the check memo line. 
Please mail checks to:
KU Endowment
C/O Annual Giving LaunchKU
PO BOX 928
Lawrence, KS 66044 

Credit card processing is provided by PayPal. Your statement will reflect a charge from KU Endowment. Please visit www.kuendowment.org for more information on donations made to the University of Kansas.

Who should I contact if I have further questions?

If you have questions about the project you are supporting, please contact the Annual Giving department at (785) 832-7338 or Alissa Bourneuf, Sr. Multichannel Digital Campaign Coordinator, at abourneuf@kuendowment.org.

For questions about your credit card transaction, please contact Gift Processing at (785) 830-7576.