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Let's Make Osher Sound Better

Raised toward our $9,776 Goal
89 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on March 31, at 11:59 PM CDT
Project Owners

Looking beyond our initial goal!

March 07, 2017

We are pleased that we have made our initial goal and grateful to everyone who has contributed to this project. By summer we will have a new PA system and hearing loop in our classroom.

But several of our folks have asked what we will do with the "extra" funds we collect, while others still insist they want to be a part of this effort to upgrade our classroom. So, here's what we've considered...

While the classroom is dismantled to install the ceiling speakers and the carpeting is torn up to install the hearing loop, what other improvements could we make? Two projects were obvious:

1. Upgrade our computer to one that has greater speed and more capabilities; and

2. Replace our aging projector with one that offers sharper images and clearer text and move the projector and screen to the center of the classroom for better viewing.

We have met with KU IT and the equipment vendor and have a plan to make these upgrades if we can raise the funds. Will you please help us? 

There is still time to be a part of this important project. Thanks!

Marianne: A Spark That Started a Fire

February 23, 2017

Marianne Wilkinson shares her story about how she helped inspire this important project. Have a listen...

Barbara Nordling shares a special message

February 21, 2017

Barbara Nordling recently spoke with Jim Peters and shared her reasons for supporting Osher's project.

Thanks to Osher friend Todd Seymour

February 16, 2017

Todd is a longtime Osher Institute member and we deeply appreciate his ongoing support!

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Make your gift be heard by adding a decibel or two to our fund.



Increase our frequency. Help us woof it up!



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Nothing semi- about you. You keep our electrons moving in the right direction.



Help us bring it all together—tone, balance, volume!



Let your voice be heard in a big way!



Or any other title you'd like.