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This campaign has concluded, but if you would like to still make a gift to support Thrive: A KUMC Food Pantry, please click here.
A community where everyone has access to enough nutritious food to sustain themselves.
To provide access to food and resources that promote health and allow our University to thrive.
Food insecurity is one of the most pressing issues on college campus today. We need your help to start and sustain a food pantry at KUMC allowing our students to not have to worry about choosing between tuition, books, gas, rent, or food.
National studies indicate that anywhere from 30-45% of college students experience some type of food insecurity, which is defined as limited or uncertain ability to get “nutritionally adequate and safe food”.
While we don’t know exact numbers, current student survey data shows at least 5% of students (approximately 50) at KUMC are experiencing food insecurity. Putting that into a campus perspective, 50 students is the equivalent of:
A QUARTER of a Medicine class
HALF of a Nursing class
ALL of the students enrolled in the Department of Health Information Management
In 2016 the National Student Campaign Against Hunger and Homelessness reported that students experiencing food insecurity often also suffer from housing insecurity, such as difficulty paying the rent, mortgage, or utility bills.
64% percent of food insecure students reported experiencing some type of housing insecurity.
Problems with food or housing harm students’ educational efforts. Of the food insecure students in the study, 32% believed that hunger or housing problems had an impact on their education. These students reported a range of consequences:
55% percent reported that these problems caused them to not buy a required textbook and 53% percent reported missing a class.
In addition, it is reported that skipping meals is associated with decreased cognitive performance among students.
THRIVE will ensure easy access to nutritional food for anyone who needs it.
We all get tired during the day and sometimes need a little pick me up. Your donation ensures that our students have the energy to keep going.
They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Your donation helps ensure our students are starting their day on the right foot.
Everyone loves gathering around the dinner table with friends and family to catch up after a busy day. Your donation will ensure our students can do the same.
Half of the fun of eating is being able to cook and create your own food. Your donation allows our students to bring creativity, variety, and nutrition into their meals.
People always say, “eat your veggies”. Your donation will help our campus landscaping department expand the growing of fruits and vegetable son campus to stock our pantry with fresh food.
Tuition, books, rent, gas…students often find themselves needing to prioritize other things over food. Your donation will ensure that our students can fill their plate and meet their full potential to THRIVE.