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Katherine Pryor has impacted countless students in her 40 years at KU. The Department of Theatre & Dance and Friends of the Theatre nonprofit organization honors her legacy and the special place she holds in the hearts of KU Theatre’s “family members” with the Katherine Pryor Student Emergency Fund.
For the leadership, advocacy and support she has shown, Katherine’s name will be forever associated with an endowed fund at KU Endowment, leaving its own legacy lifting up future stars and leaders in their field. The Katherine Pryor Student Emergency Fund offers a unique and rare opportunity to donors to provide immediate cash support to students who need help with critical expenses. This fund creates a bridge to a successful graduation by relieving the burden of unexpected impediments that would otherwise threaten their academic career. The Department of Theatre & Dance is an incubator for changemakers, actors, designers, choreographers, directors, dancers, technicians, educators, and well-rounded creative thinkers. It offers fresh possibilities for future practitioners and scholars within KU’s College of Liberal Arts & Sciences. The Friends of the Theatre is a support organization within the Department whose mission is to serve and support the University Theatre, for which Katherine currently serves as its Director of Theatre. Preference for the fund will be given to students who identify as members from underrepresented, marginalized or historically oppressed communities, groups that reflect Katherine’s passion and the Department’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion.
Help us to honor Katherine for her 40 years of dedication to the Theatre department and to KU by contributing to this fund, and above all, help ensure all students in the Department rise to their full potential.