© 2025 LaunchKU, All Rights Reserved
KJHK first went out over the FM airwaves on October 15, 1975. Since then, the station has been a home for alternative music, creative content, and free-form programming.
Gifts supporting KJHK go towards creating educational opportunities for over 150 students on campus that are interested in learning more about radio broadcasts, working with music industry promoters and agents, event planning and management, content producing for podcasts, articles, and videos, recording and producing live bands, marketing, and live broadcasting sporting events including the NCAA tournaments. Student fee support fluxes depending on student enrollment and varying allocation levels the student senate can support.
KJHK receives 90% of our funding from student fees. Additional support from other sources is paramount during this time as KJHK had a faulty line in our radio tower that needed repairing this summer and cost the station over $5000 to repair. Donations will help KJHK pay off the cost of repairing our tower, ensuring that KJHK can run smoothly across the airwaves for years to come.
Help KJHK students purchase necessary items around the station like mic covers, aux cables, headphones, and more.
Help KJHK students fund new storage for sound equipment and technology in our live performance studio.
Help KJHK students purchase updated streaming and music storage software causing less tech related issues for KJHK staff members.
Donations like these provide opportunities for students that KJHK otherwise has complications affording like sending students to educational radio conferences or sending KJHK sports staff to live broadcast from high-level tournaments alongside professional reporters in the business.