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KU Engineers Without Borders: Bolivia Project

Raised toward our $10,000 Goal
21 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on May 15, at 11:55 PM CDT
Project Owners

KU Engineers Without Borders: Eco-latrines and Solar Showers

Engineers Without Borders KU (EWB-KU) is an interdisciplinary service-based organization in the School of Engineering striving to provide helpful engineering solutions to improve the quality of life for various groups at the local, national and international scale. 

Funds raised during our LaunchKU campaign will be used to support sending six students to Azacilo and Colani, Bolivia on our implementation and monitoring projects. EWB-KU will start the monitoring phase of the Azacilo Shower Project, an idea initiated by members of the community to enhance their sanitation experiences by relieving the pain of frigid showers. During the implementation phase, our teams completed a total of 25 showers for the families that reside in Azacilo. We are planning to ensure all showers are functional and provide any needed repairs this summer. 

In Colani (a 7-minute hike from Azacilo), we will continue implementation of our Eco-Latrine project constructing four new Eco-Latrines and making necessary repairs to existing ones this summer. The ultimate goal is to provide every household of the Colani community with a latrine that is equipped with the capacity to compost collected waste, hold a lavatory and support a shower system. With your support, we can continue to work with communities around the globe ensuring accessible means of water storage, water transport, quality of health and sanitation through sustainable engineering.

Choose a giving level


Water Faucet

With a donation of $25, a water faucet which will help supply water for the showers can be purchased.


Cinderblock Base

A gift of $100 will be used to purchase a cinderblock set to help build the base of the latrines.


Solar Shower

With a donation of $250, the materials needed for a solar shower can be purchased.