Dr. Susan Twombly Doctoral Recruitment Scholarship Fund

This scholarship fund will help recruit Ed.D. students in both Higher Education and Educational Leadership!

Given Dr. Twombly’s commitment to the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies’ Ed.D. programs and students, we thought inviting contributions would be a perfect way to honor her.  This will benefit students, as the School of Education and Human Sciences has limited scholarship funds available for recruitment.

More about Dr. Twombly

  • Professor of higher education and educational doctorate program coordinator for higher education in the ELPS Department 
  • Recipient of the 2024 KU School of Education and Human Sciences Faculty Achievement Award for Service
  • Earned her PhD is in Higher Education from the Pennsylvania State University
  • Research interests include: postsecondary faculty member's careers, international higher education, and community colleges
  • Teaches courses in qualitative research, program evaluation and assessment in higher education and postsecondary curriculum
  • Dr. Twombly and her colleagues recently completed and published several articles on foreign-born faculty members working at US colleges and universities.
  • Lead author on a recently published monograph entitled Study Abroad in a New Global Century
  • Chair of the University of Kansas self-study for HLC reaccreditation