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Theta Tau Regional Engineering Conference

Raised toward our $3,000 Goal
39 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on December 09, at 11:59 PM CST
Project Owners

Thank you!

December 10, 2017

All of Zeta chapter would like to extend a big thank you to everyone who made a donation during our campaign! With your help we were able to raise $3,215, 107% of our goal! Your support will go a long way in making our regional conference a fun and valuable experience for all who attend. Now that we know the expenses of the conference will be covered, we can put all of our efforts into planning the best event possible!


If you’re interested in keeping up with the happenings of the chapter, check out our Facebook page or our website


Thank you to KU Endowment, Student Endowment Board, and all who donated for making this campaign successful!

One week left!

December 03, 2017

We have one week left to reach our $3000 goal! Right now we are just $900 short. Keep sharing the link to our LaunchKU page and spreading the word to friends and family. Thank you for your continued support!

​Here’s an update on the happenings of the chapter in the past week...

Last Tuesday, a group of 17 members and pledges volunteered at Harvesters Community Food Network in Kansas City. Harvesters feeds over 141 thousand people each month, so volunteers are always needed!  Those who attended sorted pallets of canned goods into boxes for local distribution. Everyone who went had a really good time!

On Saturday, members of Zeta Chapter ran a STEM learning camp for 4th and 5th graders through an organization called SPARK. The students learned about density and buoyancy, and they competed to build a sail boat that could hold the most weight and travel the fastest.  These kids definitely have the potential to become future engineers!  


Check out some pictures from Harvesters and SPARK below.


Over halfway!

November 27, 2017

With your help we have raised over half of our goal! Thank you so much for supporting our chapter. We have just 12 days left to raise the remaining $1,410 needed to reach our goal. If you or someone you know is interested in giving, tomorrow (11/28) is Giving Tuesday which makes it an opportune time to make a donation! We would be honored if you participated in this event by supporting Zeta Chapter, sharing our project on social media, and spreading the word to friends and family. Help us keep the momentum going to reach our $3000 goal!

Fun facts about Zeta Chapter...

- Zeta Chapter was founded at KU in 1912 and was the sixth chapter of Theta Tau established

- It is the oldest continuous chapter of Theta Tau

- Theta Tau's national conference was held in Lawrence in 1921 and in 1984


Week One Update!

November 16, 2017

Thank you so much to everyone who has donated so far! We have raised over 33% of our goal in just one week! Your support puts us one step closer to making our regional conference a fun and valuable experience for all who attend. Help us keep the momentum going by spreading the word about our project with with friends and alumni!

Here's an update on what Zeta Chapter has been up to...

This week our active members had the opportunity to connect with Zeta alumni and each other at our chapter reunion. Thank you to Brother Bob Bibb for hosting this event! We updated alumni on the current happenings of our organization, and heard lots of stories about the history of our chapter. Did you know Zeta alumni include an astronaut, a member of the basketball hall of fame, and a former President of Standard Oil of Ohio? It's cool to see the impact this organization has had on so many people's lives. Check out some pictures from the event below!



Choose a giving level


Hammer and Tongs

The original name for the Theta Tau was The Society of Hammer and Tongs, but it was changed to Theta Tau at the national convention in 1911. Gifts of any size get us one step closer to our goal!


Central Region

Of the eight national regions, the Zeta Chapter of Theta Tau is in the Central National Region which contains nine chapters across six states. Help create an experience for students in our region to gather to improve themselves and their chapters!


PD, Service, Brotherhood

Professional Development, Service, and Brotherhood are the three core pillars of Theta Tau, and they guide the fraternity’s events and values. Your gift will help ensure lasting impacts on our engineering community!


Lifelong Brothers

The Zeta Chapter of Theta Tau has initiated over 1,200 members and has over 1,100 alumni across the United States. Your support will help us create lasting relationships among our members and with our peers across the country!


Zeta Chapter

The University of Kansas Zeta Chapter was the 5th chapter established nationally, and it is the oldest continually-operated chapter in the region. Help amplify the impact that our organization can have on spring 2018 regional conference attendees by making a gift today!