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The original name for the Theta Tau was The Society of Hammer and Tongs, but it was changed to Theta Tau at the national convention in 1911. Gifts of any size get us one step closer to our goal!
Of the eight national regions, the Zeta Chapter of Theta Tau is in the Central National Region which contains nine chapters across six states. Help create an experience for students in our region to gather to improve themselves and their chapters!
Professional Development, Service, and Brotherhood are the three core pillars of Theta Tau, and they guide the fraternity’s events and values. Your gift will help ensure lasting impacts on our engineering community!
The Zeta Chapter of Theta Tau has initiated over 1,200 members and has over 1,100 alumni across the United States. Your support will help us create lasting relationships among our members and with our peers across the country!
The University of Kansas Zeta Chapter was the 5th chapter established nationally, and it is the oldest continually-operated chapter in the region. Help amplify the impact that our organization can have on spring 2018 regional conference attendees by making a gift today!