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Your donation will help us leave no stone unturned in our efforts to serve clients in need! For example, $25 could fund a criminal history background check to help us get the full picture of a client’s expungement prospects, or it could pay mileage to a student who is going the distance to investigate a case.
$50 can fund a range of clinic activities, including getting the word out through media, flyering, and other forms of public outreach when there is a legal need that needs community education and action.
$100 speaks for itself. Your generous donation at this level begins to give us the flexibility to begin to think bigger in our legal work – whether that means bringing in an expert for testimony, paying for records we subpoena, or otherwise expanding the breadth of our options as students fight for clients’ rights.
$500 honors the role we are all called to serve in our legal careers as “public citizen[s] with special responsibility for the quality of justice.” It positions our clinic – and our students – to be ready for anything, anywhere, anytime. It frees us to mobilize, organize, and educate while serving indigent clients in this ever-changing legal and political climate.